Using an air purifier to fight pollen allergy
Most of us are familiar with seasonal allergies. Some popular triggers include freshly cut grass, the blossoming of trees, and the presence of other weeds, but one of the most common triggers to which many people are sensitive is pollen. Below we will discuss pollen, pollen allergy, and how an air purifier can protect you from allergy symptoms.
What is pollen and pollen allergy?
Pollen is a very fine powder containing a plant’s male DNA. Bees, other insects, and wind transport this substance to a plant’s female part (the pistil) in order to aid that plant’s reproduction. It is an essential part of our ecosystem, and without this vital process, we would not be able to grow food. Without insects, only 10 percent of plants would be able to spread pollen2!
Pollen is made up of pollen grains. Whilst many of us have seen bees carrying clumps of pollen from flower to flower, the individual grains are microscopic, thus invisible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, these microscopic grains can be a major trigger of seasonal allergy symptoms, causing discomfort for a large percentage of the global population. Symptoms may include a stuffy, runny nose; itchy, watery eyes; a scratchy throat; and sneezing. Pollen allergy can be so debilitating for some that it may impact sleep patterns and leave us with pain as a result of blocked sinuses. Seasonal allergies to pollen, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, are experienced to at least some degree by an estimated 26% of adults and 10-15% of children according to Allergy UK statistics1.
Pollen allergies are worsened by cross allergies. Other allergies (to food, mould, or other allergies) may increase your sensitivity and vulnerability to pollen allergy. The presence of air pollution is also known to worsen symptoms3.
What can we do about pollen allergies?
Pollen is invisible to the naked eye, making it impossible to see when it is suspended in the air. It can also cling to your clothes, skin, furniture, and your pet’s dander without you knowing. Some measures you can take during days of peak pollen counts are:
- Limit your exposure by staying indoors and keeping your windows shut
- Aerate early in the morning or late at night (to avoid pollen from entering your space)
- Wear protective clothing such as sunglasses and/or a mask as needed to protect against eye and respiratory irritation
- Be sure to remove your shoes and jacket upon returning home to avoid traipsing pollen into the home
- Wash your hair and face after being outdoors
- Bathe your pets frequently as they may pick up pollen whilst outdoors
- Use an air purifier at home and at work
The above list contains excellent preventative measures that help you to keep pollen out of your home. But if it’s already inside your space, what is the best mode of action? It is very important to keep your home clean during days with high pollen count: be sure to vacuum and wipe down surfaces regularly. Another great way to clear out pollen that has already settled into your living space is to equip your home with an air purifier.
However, it’s important to invest in an air purifier that contains a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. Air purifiers containing a HEPA filter can filter all pollen and air pollution down to particles the size of 0.01 µm. Furthermore, our high-quality air purifiers contain a broad spectrum of filtration technologies and action, allowing them to remove other indoor contaminants that may lead to allergy including:
- Animal dander
- Mould
- Smoke (from cigarettes or wood-burning stoves)
All Eoleaf devices come equipped with HEPA filters. Laboratory tests have proven that our devices help fight cross-allergies and any potentially irritating substances in your indoor air, filling your home with fresh, breathable air.
1 Scadding, J. K. et al (2007). BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management ... - wiley online library. BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. Retrieved November 14, 2022, from
2 Marcotte, D. (2019, November 22). Why is pollen important? Sciencing. Retrieved November 14, 2022, from
3 Bousquet, J., Burney, P.G., Zuberbier, T. et al. (2009). GA2 LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) addresses the allergy and asthma epidemic. Allergy. 64: 969–977.Eoleaf's range of air purifiers
AEROPRO 40 air purifier
40 m² (450 sq ft) coverage area - Smart & Connected
AEROPRO 100 air purifier
80 m² (850 sq ft) coverage area - Ultimate all-in-one
AEROPRO 150 air purifier
120 m² (1300 sq ft) coverage area - Professional model
Pure CAR air purifier
HEPA H13 Filter & Ioniser - For all vehicles