Mis en service il y a quelques jours,très facile à régler. Il est pilotable sur smartphone et est programmable. J'utilise le mode automatique lorsque je suis dans la pièce, il traite rapidement les particules 2.5 ppm
le terminal de contrôle EOLEAF est identique à l'original . Il faut bien sûr avoir conservé la notice de l'appareil d'origine pour faire le couplage entre le terminal de contrôle et l'unité principale.
Le seul problème du terminal de contrôle est la faible autonomie de la batterie .
Product relatively easy to connect with the recommended app and slowly but surely started to take Radon out of the room. Not quite as rapid as I expected but nonetheless making a significant difference . 60 Bq’s removed in half a day.
Indispensable contre les particules, la fumée, toute pollution de l'air, cet appareil redonne l'envie de rester chez soi et respirer en toute quiétude. Silencieux, performant, bel investissement. Bravo !
We purchased three more of these after acquiring the first one last month. We compared its CO2 readings to a more expensive device we purchased as our office suffers from high levels of CO2. Very reliable device with a refreshingly simple design.
Un produit bien pensé et élégant. Le câble est long, ce qui m'arrange, même si j'aurais préféré encore plus long. La batterie semble durer plusieurs jours, mais je préfère laisser brancher pour ne pas avoir à y penser. Sonnerie à 1500 ppm pour m'alerter trsè pratique
Le service client très réactif par mail. Commande très simple sur Internet. Livraison sans souci. Le produit adapté est conforme. Je repasserai par cette entreprise pour la suite
je l’utilise dans mon fourgon aménagé car je vape et en hiver difficile de bien aéré surtout quand il fait froid.
le boitier est un peu gros mais fais le travail, reste a voir dans le temps.
Ich kann Ihnen noch keine Bewertung abgeben, da das Gerät noch nicht eingetroffen ist. Melde Sie sich in einigen Tagen gerne noch einmal. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Herbert Jegodtka aus Bremen
facile a changer fonctionne a nouveau
Produit livré en temps et heure, merci
AEROPRO 40 air purifier — 40 m² surface - 1.7kg H13 HEPA filter - Smart & Connected
J’ai reçu il y a quelques jours les deux modèles un pour la chambre à coucher et l’autre pour la pièce de vie très enchanté de la qualité des produits, le design se marie bien avec la pièce, ça fait beaucoup moins de bruit que je pensais je suis content d’avoir changé Mes anciens dayson et surtout un service à l’écoute très réactif… Super content je recommande ses produits
I needed a big unit for my two-story house and didn't need the Wi-Fi option, this is perfect for my needs and the price/CADR ratio is the best I could find in the UK
Bonjour, les lampes UV sont bien protégées, et les envois rapides. J'ai eu un très bon contacte tel. et par courriel avec Eoleaf, Ayant un purificateur eoleaf 100 à la maison, j' en suis très satisfaite. Avec certaines installations électriques comme la mienne, les tubes UV actuels ne durent pas la période escomptée, (pareil sur une halogène, où je m'oriente vers Osram qui tiennent plus longtemps, avec les variations de tension dans ma rue il me semble)
Super à tout point de vue commande reçue très rapidement
Excellent ordering system with very speedy delivery.with notification of order status at every step.
Commandé le 8/10/2024 reçu le 16. La transaction est correcte, le produit conforme.
Très satisfait.
very good condition. working well. Well packed and deivered.
AEROPRO 100 replacement filter (compatible with AIRVIA Medical)
Well first of all I was so relieved to find that Eloleaf had stepped in and were helping out customers from the French firm that just stopped trading and therefore we couldn't replace our filters.
But I must say the hike in the price of the filters ( compatible ones) was unbelievable.
There is inflation and then there is just pure cheek! Then to top it all off we had to pay £15 for delivery. We didn't even have to pay that coming from France.
As to the quality of the filters - how on earth do we know what the quality might be. We just gave to put out faith in the Eoleaf company.
Might have to find another Air Purifier with more reasonably priced filters.
I accept these things cost money to make but the difference in pricing was mind blowing.
This is the second time I have gone to the trouble of writing out a review. Last time wouldn't accept it.
I'm only giving this review as you have asked several times for a review so here it is.
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for taking the time to write a detailed review of your experience purchasing your replacement filter from us here at Eoleaf! We are sorry to hear that our pricing has left you disappointed, but I wanted to take a moment to contact you directly about some of the points you raised.
First of all, we are thrilled that you were able to finally replace the filters in your AIRVIA device once they stopped trading. Many customers were left in the lurch when they closed shop, and we are pleased to be able to provide filters to the countless AIRVIA customers who were left with devices and no way to purchase new filters.
Regarding shipping cost, we certainly can understand your point of view. Unfortunately, filters are very voluminous. Although the Amazon era has given customers the impression that shipping doesn't cost anything, we charge you less than 50% of what shipping costs us.
Regarding pricing of the filters themselves, prices increased dramatically during and since the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only have prices increased for you, but they have for us, too. We have extremely slim margins on filters and, unfortunately, have little control over their pricing. We have made multiple efforts to keep prices as low as possible, even reducing our filter prices since last summer. We hope to do so again within the upcoming year to continue to make our filters more accessible to all of our customers. To provide some context, Eoleaf makes a razor-thing profit on filters (taking into consideration the price of the filters themselves, import costs, etc.). This is not a profitable item for us, and we are certainly not aiming to price gauge: this is just the price of a high-quality item. You will be hard-pressed to find a 5-pound filter (which is the weight of this filter) on the market, because most brands don't bother sizing it for it to be effective and last the whole year...
We are experts in the air purification field and can assure you that your money is going towards maintaining a device that offers some of the best air purification on the market. Our filters are expensive compared to some other products on the market, I cannot deny that, but they are big, heavy, long-lasting, and rely on 8 different technologies to bring you the best air filtration possible. We are proud of the products we have built and honestly believe we offer the best quality/price ratio. Air purifiers from the market's big players (Dyson, Philips, Levoit, and Blueair, to name a few) may be less expensive, but they are of lesser quality and require changing more often, contributing even further to your replacement filter budget.
I hope that this information provides some clarity regarding the situation on our end. We highly value transparency and running a business at a human scale, so it is important for us to clarify any misunderstandings directly. We hope that we will be able to continue to serve you for many more years to come.
Best regards,
The Eoleaf team.
J'ai commandé le filtre sur le site Eoleaf, la commande s'est bien passé cependant la précision du transporteur UPS laisse à désirer. UPS change d'horaire assez facilement et prévient 5min avant la fin du slot horaire proposé, conclusion on attend toute une après midi, et on change notre agenda au bon vouloir de UPS. D'autant plus que UPS est très connu pour ce genre de changement et n'offre pas de flexibilité lorsque le destinataire n'est pas présent. Je recommencerai à Eoleaf de changer de prestataire pour les livraisons en France, il y a bien mieux pour bien moins cher...
Merci pour l'appel au changement du filtre l'effet est immédiat je précise que l'ancien filtre envoyait une odeur* au début alors que le nouveau est neutre, je préfère.
*(pas forcément désagréable).Par contre il est difficile de refermer le couvercle quand le filtre est neuf….